Sunday, January 11, 2009

Creating with Ease

Ever thought of creating something as a BIG OLE struggle? Artists speak of that overwhelming feeling of the BLANK canvas. Musicians struggle with songwriting; Graphic artists struggle with the layout of that next poster or website. So, Here's a thought: Why struggle to create anything?

My blog is inspired by the Episcopalian Priest, Richard Elliot, who spoke on Genesis 1;1-5. (even if you are not Christian, most are familiar with this first passage in the Bible, below)

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters, and God said, "Let there be light", and there was light. God saw that the light was good.
Ok, wait a minute. "let there be light" that's it? Is it that easy? Now, I chuckle. Because my creative mind takes off, and I think. Hmmm...What would the paragraph say if I were the "creator of light"??? Probably something like this:

Oh boy, light is a pretty big deal. Phew, wonder how many beings are going to depend on this light? How will the tone of the earth change? Will it be appreciated? Is there even a need for light in the first place? You get the drift...
So, I'm inspired by God's version of creation. As Richard says, "God doesn't stress out about the light, He just calls it forth." (by this point I was taking notes in the sermon and I'm starting to think..."WHAT THE HECK does that look like?" Calling forth?)
Here are my thoughts, I'd love yours!
1. Set intention.
2. Once inspired, commit to the inspiration, and honor your work (know, that it is good).
3. Know that it's not necessary to KNOW your Purpose. (native americans say "who are you to REALLY know your purpose? How will you ever know how many lives you touch? Even a smile, or a greeting could change someones day, or bring purpose to their life).
4. Follow your Heart. When your heart flutters, or sings, you are on your course.
5. Be inspired. Once you think of an idea, allow others to contribute. Take some suggestions, say "no thanks to others."
6. TRUST. The universe IS in divine order, so, What will be...will be.
SO, let's create this week. Create a haven in your home! Create a safe environment while driving. Create a new journal entry. Create your OWN blog :) and let me know what other CREATIVE inspirations you have on how to "call forth" and Create with ease.

Why not call forth your next project wth intention and trust?

Thursday, January 8, 2009

5 Simple steps to create your Vision Board--create the life you want!

Gather your supplies
Poster Board Any size that inspires, some go smaller for travel, others larger for the refrigerator, or office
Magazines You can also use postcards, catalogs that are sent to your house, old birthday cards that are collecting dust; you can also grab old magazines from the library, or hair salons)
Glue Hint, Elmer’s will ripple your pages; I use rubber cement, glue sticks or tape

Before you begin: Set your intention!
Set the ambiance: Choose a space where you are comfortable, turn on some nice music, light a few candles, turn off your cell phone.
Get Quiet: Ask yourself, what do you really want? Take a moment: Close your eyes, relax your shoulders, take a few deep breaths, let go of any expectation—there is no wrong way to do your vision board.

Gather your clippings
Begin sorting thru your magazines and such. It’s simple, if something speaks to you, makes your heart flutter, or makes you smile—cut it out and start a pile. Some of these things may be images of people, places, things, and others may be words or phrases. Gather first, no gluing yet.

Sort and Place
Begin to sort thru the images and place them on the board. If a picture or phrase no longer speaks to you, toss it out. Some pictures and phrases may relate to each other. Be open and use your intuition.

Glue and finalize
Glue everything on the board. You can add writing if you would like or paint.

And Finally, Be open, and HAVE FUN! :)