Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Stop Dieting and Be Your Perfect Size, Today!

That's it! I'm done with dieting! Just the thought of another "lose 10 lbs. in a month" advertisement makes me sick. There is always some great testimonial out there. Some thinner man or women, in a bathing suit or holding out there old oversized pants. These images haunt me. This is actually the stuff that pops in my head as I humbly try to embrace healthy habits!

These "overnight" transformations are anything but. Does weight watchers work, YES! Does Jenny Craig work, YES....Does anything work that you just put your mind to? YES!

But, personally, I'm done!

Instead, I prefer another image. An image of my body...exactly as it is now. I prefer to say yes to healthy habits...Yoga, Walking, Pilates, Biking....Eating fruits, veggies, whole grains. Limiting Alcohol, Caffeine, and Sugars.

Is all that SO hard? Why not focus on the GOOD images. The image of a healthy body, walking; the thump of my heartbeat thanking me for giving it a little workout or a nice long and relaxing stretch after working out.

For years, I have seen models in magazines and tried to visualize MY body as magazine worthy. I have been inspired by friends that constantly maintain trim physiques. And, even more, those rare few that REALLY "rock" the confidence...This confidence from a place that doesn't care if the thighs are a wee bit larger this month.

Now, I wake up in the morning...and that voice in my head starts, "what will you look like in a size 8, or 6?" and I just shut her down! No more comparisons! No more day dreams of a perfect body! No more saving money for size 6 Couture!

Instead, I pause with graditude and commit to a healthy lifestyle today. And knowing, with confidence, that I embrace healthy choices and healthy additudes. I acknowledge my stress with compassion. And I believe in all of my heart that my figure will find its way to its perfect size, that size is to be determined by me and the natural course my body takes.

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